Reservation Ambassadors

The Arlee High School Reservation Ambassadors are committed to breaking down stereotypes through building relationships. We meet with classes in schools off the reservation and work in small groups to develop understanding of reservation issues and contemporary life. When schools are too far away to visit, we chat via Skype. Usually there is a central text or topic to work from, determined by the host teacher, and we tailor every activity to the class we are visiting.
During the 2014-2015 school year, the Reservation Ambassadors visited (in person or via Skype) nine off-reservation schools, including one in Chicago, plus a group of teachers. We built relationships with nearly 350 individual students and talked about everything from the importance of music, to Indian relay, to the tribal constitution, to stereotypes and beyond.
Read this article in the Missoulian about our work with CS Porter.
Read this article in the Valley Journal describing the importance of our work to our own students.
Read this article in the Lake County Leader about our club.
Co-advisors are counselor Misty Brien and English teacher Anna Baldwin.
Interested in working with the Arlee High School Reservation Ambassadors? Email us at or