Next Step Project

A partnership between the Office of Public Instruction's Indian Education division and Arlee School District

Teachers of grades 1-12 participated in this project to build useful, authentic, and tribally informed resources for teachers to use in their classrooms. Some units exist as multi-part resources, and others are unit plans for classroom instruction. Every resource not publicly sourced is supported by permissions. 

After you have looked at any of the projects, would you mind taking 2 minutes to provide a very small amount of feedback? We would love to know where you're located, what grade/subject you teach, and any feedback you have! Here's the link to this anonymous survey.


All Grades - Authentic Indigenous Education in American Classrooms

By Starla Dugger and Ryan Landolfi

Authentic Indian Education

spring thaw

Spring Thaw Tracking Sheet

Spring Thaw Slide Show


 Grade 4 - Traditional Use of State Trees

by Katea Dreiling

Spreadsheet of all trees and their uses


 Grade 4-6 - Geometric Quilt Project

by Aimee Pier


 Grade 10 - Stereotypes in American Society: Native American Mascots

by Jennifer Jilot 


Grades 9-12 Family & Consumer Sciences - IEFA Lessons for FCS

by Leslie Jackson


Screenshot of flower

Last Modified on May 27, 2020