Welcome to the Federal Programs and Grants Office!

The Grants Office manages approximately $650,000 in federal funds for Arlee Schools. The grant-funded programs in Arlee Schools include the following:
Title I Schoolwide (includes Title II, professional development) - US Department of Education
Title IV Safe and Supportive Schools - US Department of Education
Title VI Indian Education - US Department of Education
Montana GEAR UP - MT Office of Higher Education
Arlee Syal (Circle) Project - Headwaters Foundation
Arlee Advanced Opportunities and Transformational Learning Grants - Montana Office of Public Instruction
These programs support student achievement, safe and healthy schools, cultural integration, after-school and summer programs, college and career awareness, and professional development for teachers.

Besides federal funds, our office collaborates with community organizations to diversify educational opportunities for the students. Friends of Arlee Schools, a local non-profit organization, purchases classroom supplies each fall, holds the annual Buttercup Run each spring to raise scholarship money for local students. Image

We appreciate all these programs and are fortunate to have such great support.
The Grants Office can be reached at (406) 726-3216 x23105. Deanne Smith, dsmith@arleeschools.org, is the Federal Programs and Grants Director and her office is located Administration Building.