Hello , Welcome to Transportation!
The Arlee School District is pleased to provide our students with transportation to and from school. For a complete schedule of bus stops and times, please refer to the 2021-2022 Bus Rules and Routes found below under the Forms section.
If you have any questions or need to change your student's after-school plan, please call the building secretary at (406) 726-3216.
2021-2022 Bus Rules and Routes
Director: Clint Rice
(406) 830 - 6054
Bus Drivers:
Cindy Allaire | Mike Rogers | Carolyn Clinkenbeard |
callaire@arleeschools.org | mrogers@arleeschools.org | cclinkenbeard@arleeschools.org |
Luke Lacey | Clint Rice | Joe Rice |
llacey@arleeschools.org | crice@arleeschools.org | joerice@arleeschools.org |
Cindy Allaire