Arlee Junior High Announcements

March 6th, 2025

Breakfast Today:Breakfast Burritos, Grapes, Milk
Lunch Today: Salisbury Steak, Mashed potatoes & Gravy, Beets, Strawberries, Milk

Happy birthday to Shy on Sunday!!

Subs today-Mr. Meyers for Sproull

Tribal Health will be here April 30th for free dental screenings! Shelby has forms in the office.

JH Pep Assembly 7th period  today! Meet in the JH gym 7th period.

If you need to finish your math test, get a lunch ticket from Shelby or finish by the end of day.

Ski Trip forms and $$ are due at the latest by March 13th. Please make sure

the form is filled out completely and correctly. Boot sizes, ability, etc. It is $24

for your rentals and pass (same price if you do not need rentals).

The school will provide a sack lunch but you are encouraged to bring snacks

and extra clothes as it will be a long day.

8th graders-Please turn in your U of M permission slips to Shelby before

March 12th!!

!!Girls Basketball!! Please turn in uniforms!!

Please turn in your uniform!!! Archery has started after school! Shelby has permission slips in the office.🏹

In celebration of I LOVE TO READ MONTH and Read Across America Week, we’ll be having two weeks of friendly reading competition. All you have to do is read during SSR. The goal is to read something you enjoy for at least 12 of the 15 minutes each day.

➡️Take some time this week to make sure you have a good book to read. We begin on Monday, February 24!⬅️

Each Thursday, you’ll evaluate your reading with a form sent to your email. Mrs. Reynolds will use the forms along with input from your teachers to determine weekly classroom winners.

Weekly Classroom Winners will get donuts the following week during SSR!

Congratulations to our Warrior Buck drawing winner.. Micel!

Reminder!! Do not cut across the track!! Please use the path.

Tutoring is available to JH and HS students after school Monday through Wednesday. From 4:15 pm until 5:15 pm. It will rotate between Ms. White’s room and Mr. Koetter in the library.

Coming up-    

  • 8th  grade U of M Trip 3/13/25

  • There WILL be school 3/17/25

  • JH Ski Trip 3/20/25

  • Q3 Ends 3/27/25

  • Parent teacher conferences 3/31/25 & 4/1/25

  • Horse saddles and skills camp registration end 4/12/25 (more info on flyer by office)

  • Youth Powwow 4/26/25 @Sentinel High School