Newsletter in an envelop graphic

February 2021

Superintendent’s Letter

Dear Parents and Community Members,

I don’t know how many of you are procrastinators like me but I am often amazed at how long I can put things off until later. I remember clearly during my high school days and college days struggling to make myself finish tasks.  Schooling means homework and studying.  I found it easy to put off my homework for just about anything else, whether it was a school function, playing with the kids, or mindless drivel on the television.  I found myself often sitting on the couch, looking at my homework on the table and telling my own children to work on their homework.  I remember my parents often encouraging me to do as they say and not as they did.  I discover that I am in the same trap with my children.  The most difficult and yet most rewarding “job” in the world is parenting.  I believe that many times as educators we are spoiled much like grandparents.  We work with your children but then are able to send them home at the end of the day.  I am often surprised when teachers have expressed what nice manners my children have and then I have to discuss with my wife whether they know which children are ours.  It is a terrific opportunity that we have to spend time with your students and we are grateful to each of you for putting your trust in us.  Let us all work together and may we also add a new outlook to our lives and give our children all the support and examples that they need to be successful in today’s world.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments at 726-3216.


Mike Perry, Ed.D


Elementary News

Every year we hear of cases about internet predators. Recently, in Teton County two young girls around the age of 12 were targeted through Snapchat. This particular predator seems to focus on girls the ages of 12 and older. I encourage all of you to please be vigilant about talking to your children about online cyber stalkers and internet/cell phone safety. Arlee School also provides a cyber safety program. Ms. Tritz, Elementary Guidance Counselor, teaches the curriculum to all grade levels yearly. 

I realize that some of you become very frustrated with our cell phone use policies.  Please remember, we are doing what is best for the school, district and most importantly your child. In the elementary we ask that students do not use their cell phones during the school day unless they have asked permission from their supervising teacher. The Arlee Elementary staff loves each and every one of your children.  We will continue to work diligently to help keep our kids safe! 

Valentine's Day: We will not be celebrating Valentine's Day during the school day this year. We ask that students refrain from bringing in items from home to share with their classmates. We continue to be vigilant about keeping our school as safe as possible and limit any exposures that could increase the risk of another COVID case in our school. Education is our top priority! 

Distance Learners:  Please continue to communicate with your classroom teacher on your school work. If you have any questions or problems please let us know.  We are here to help. 

On-Campus Learners:  Please remember two very important things every school day (besides your homework). A facemask & a water bottle (both are essential to a quality education in 2021). As always, If you aren’t feeling well, stay home we will excuse your absence.  Let’s try to finish the rest of the year strong!

  • Principal Anne Tanner

Board of Trustees News

Arlee School Board of Trustees: In May 2021, the Arlee School Board of Trustees will have one open position for a three year term. Filing of the Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy opens on December 10, 2020 and closes on March 25, 2021. The Declaration can be found on the Arlee School District website at under School Board/Election Forms. The Declaration can be turned into Lonnie Morin at the Administration Building on the Arlee Campus or to the Lake County Elections Office in Polson. Elections will be held by Mail Ballot again this year. If you have any questions please contact Lonnie Morin at 406-830-8180.  Thank you to all who have served on the Board to date, your service is greatly appreciated.

Junior High/High School News

Dear Arlee Parents and Guardians - 

Dear Arlee Parents and Guardians - 

This year is truly flying by. Covid has put some kinks in the system but everyone seems to have finally found some sort of groove. Keep it up Arlee!  

High school clubs are up and running. If your kid is not involved in any clubs, or doesn’t know what clubs are available, please ask them to get involved by speaking with their teachers.  It is a great way to make new friends, see new places, and to discover new perspectives on life while bringing in theirs to share with others. If we don’t currently have the club your child is interested in, reach out and maybe we can change that!

As we enter into the last two semesters of the year, please keep up to date with your child's grades. If you do not have the parent portal app on your phone yet or need help getting started, please email our technology department or call me directly and I will be happy to contact them for you. It is a great way to stay connected to your child's grades and attendance. 

Lastly, I am asking for a favor. Please talk with your children about what they are doing at school. There are some great things going on in the classroom...dissecting squid, learning to make smash burgers, welding, learning box joints, understanding mitosis, learning to solve equations, health and wellness, and so much more. Your passion for your kids' learning will only help them to be more successful.

Important dates this month:

  • NO SCHOOL Presidents Day February 15th

  • Next Midterm is Feb. 18.

  • Wrestling

    • Wrestling Senior Night February 11th  6 PM

    • Divisionals 26th and 27th at Cut Bank

  • Basketball

    • No District Class B Basketball Tournament

    • 5th seed plays the 4th seed and the loser is out. (Dates are not set for these games.)


As always, Val, Jamie and I are here for any questions or concerns.  Please call us at 726-3216 (ext. 2404 for Jamie, ext. 2301 Val or ext. 2300 Mr. Beckham). We are here to help!

Stay healthy and safe!

Mr. Beckham

Academic News 

Congrats to the following High School students on achieving Perfect Attendance for Quarter Two:  Princess Bolen, Jerny Crawford, Rheid Crawford, Colt Crawford, Edwin Koetter, Isabell Mills, Meghan Upton.  

More congrats to these stellar students on having Perfect Attendance for the entire semester!!!  Jerny Crawford, Colt Crawford & Rheid Crawford.  

Way to go Arlee students!


Straight A's: 

Grade 12: Tyler Brown, Colt Crawford, Xavier Defrance, Kiya Ironshell, Isabelle Pape

Grade 11:  McKirah Fisher, RJ Knoll, Titanya Lapahie

Grade 10:  Princess Bolen, Jerny Crawford, Rheid Crawford, McKaryss Fisher, Xaria Jacobson, Brianna Kellmer, Meghan Upton

Grade 9:  Harli Kinney, Drew Knoll, Edwin Koetter, Kendall O'Neill, Fancee Oldperson, Dallas Swab

High Honor Roll - 3.7 and above:

Grade 11: Noel Johnson

Grade 10:  Patience Bunce,Trinity Falkenstein,

Grade 9:  Paley Espinoza, Ethan Fiddler, Kailee Scott

Regular Honor Roll - 3.3 - 3.69:

Grade 12:  Micah Johnson, Sara Schall, Tom Tanner

Grade 11:  Emma Corcoran, Madison Daniel, Natallyia Martin, Levi Sween

Grade 10:  Tucker Brown, Charley Crawford, Raven Parson, Shyla Schlieker

Grade 9:  Kinika Bartell, Imperial Big Sam, Adalyn Jacobson, Matt Johnson, Jake Knoll, Shonlea Matt, Jack Rodeghiero

AHS Yearbooks

The Arlee High School Yearbook collection is now located in the high school library in a glass cabinet.  You are welcome to browse through these but they must remain in the library.  We are seeking the community’s assistance to complete our collection.  If you have any of the years we are missing and are willing to let us make a copy, please contact Val Espinoza (726-3216 x2301) or Deanne Smith (726-3216 x2305).  The collection starts with 1946 and the years we are missing are 1947-1949,1951, 1955-1957, 1966,1973, 1976, 1979, 1981, 2013-2016.

Chromebook Charger Replacement Costs

As we have devices starting to filter back in (some without their chargers) here is the price breakdown to access a fee for missing equipment.

  • Chromebooks

    • USB - C - $65 (see below)

  • Model C202 - $25 (see below)