June 2021
Superintendent’s Letter
Dear Parents/Community Members,
The year has come to a close and many precious moments with your children have occurred. I know that this year has been a once in a lifetime experience but I believe that here in Arlee your children are loved, cherished, challenged and educated by the finest of teachers. We get to say goodbye to some great seniors and see you later to the rest of the students. I am always amazed at the changes that will happen over the summer months. Please take the time to encourage your students to continue working on reading skills that they have learned this year. If you are taking a drive get a book on tape and have them read along. Stop at the historical markers along the highways and have your students read them to you. Reading is absolutely vital to being successful in school. I love summer as it gives me some time to catch up on reading great books that have come out during the school year. There is nothing I like more than to go up camping with a good book. I heard an interesting quote the other day by Joseph Campbell. He said, “We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” I know that there are many instances in my life that would not have come about if it had gone as planned. I am so thankful for the unplanned events. It has allowed me to spend time in an occupation that I love with students who will one day do tremendous things. I hope you all have a wonderful summer and enjoy life and all it has to offer us.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments at 726-3216.
Mike Perry, Ed.D
Summer Food Service Program: Arlee Schools will run the summer food service program in our lunchroom as follows:
Monday through Thursday, June 7, 2021 through July 29, 2021
Breakfast: 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Anyone 18 years of age or younger will receive free meals. Adults will be charged $3.00 for breakfast and $5.00 for lunch. All meal plans will be posted to the Arlee School District website. If you have questions, please contact Lonnie Morin at 406-726-3216 ext 5.
Elementary News
Hello All -
We did it! We made it through the 2020-2021 school year!
REPORT CARDS: Your child’s final report card for the year will be mailed home the week of June 10th. With your report card, students in grades 3-6 will also have a SBAC report. The SBAC is the state mandated test that all students have to take.
DISTANCE LEARNERS: All distance learners need to have their computers checked back into the school by June 2. Both elementary offices will be through June 10th. Please bring all school computers back to the office.
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION: We are ready to enroll all incoming Kindergarteners! Please come see Jen or Carolyn at the K-2 elementary office for your registration packet. The elementary office will be open through June 10th.
SUMMER SCHOOL: We are offering an elementary summer school session this year. The hours for summer school will be from 8:30 - 12:30. Summer school will start on June 7th and will end on July 1st. If you are interested in enrolling your student in summer school, please email your child’s teacher or me at atanner@arleeschools.org.
READ: Please encourage your child to read this summer. We all want our children to be successful in school. Practice makes perfect! READ, READ, READ!
August 23rd @ 7:50 AM: First day of school for the 2021-2022 school year. We will go back to “normal” school hours. The school day will be from 7:50-3:55 pm, Monday-Thursday (we will NOT be attending school on Fridays).
I would like to thank all of you for your patience throughout this year. Your patience and understanding as we navigated through this pandemic year is greatly appreciated.
Principal Anne Tanner
Kinder Camp
Kinder Camp for incoming kindergarten students is planned for August 9th-12th from nine to noon each day. Come to meet our kindergarten teachers, see their classrooms, make friends, and ease into the school year!
Jocko Valley Library’s Summer Reading Program 2021
The Summer Reading Program is free for all ages and runs from June 15th - August 3rd. Events are on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:00. Register with an adult from June 1st - June 15th at the Jocko Valley Library.
Event Schedule:
June: 15th, 22nd, 29th July: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th August: 3rd Finale
Library Hours:
Monday & Thursday 1:00-5:00 Tuesday 9:30-11:00 (SRP Only) Friday 12:00-4:00
Visit us on Facebook, or call the library 726-3572 with any questions.
We will be holding this event outdoors (weather permitting) to maintain safe distancing.
To go into the library to swap books (or bad weather days), PLEASE have your child bring a mask!
3rd Grade News
![Two people pose at the bio station Two people pose at the bio station](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/arlee_joint_school_district_no._8%2C_mt_ar/picture/data/185477/Screenshot_2021-05-31_4.56.15_PM.png)
3rd Grade had a wonderful field trip to the Flathead Lake Bio Station. Taking water samples and using the microscope were just a few of the highlights. Students were very surprised to find so much microscopic activity in the lake. I am very proud of how hard my students have worked this year and the achievements made. Our spring MAP scores are a direct reflection of their commitment to learning.
XO, Ms. Pier
Junior High/High School News
Dear Arlee Parents and Guardians -
We made it! I am not sure if it snuck up on you like it did me, but the end is here. Our modified year has come to an end and it is already time to start preparing for next year. Class registration has been open and all students entering into the HS should have registered for classes, and students in the middle school should have prioritized their preference of electives.
I want to start with a common theme that we as administrators feel is crucial for our kids. READ! Get your kids to read a book. Read a book to your kids. Read a book with your kids. Have your kids read a magazine. Have your kids read road signs while driving down the highway. Have your kids read what they are scanning on their phone. Get creative, but just read. Not sure where to start? Reach out to me and I will help with ideas on how to get your child to be a more confident reader. I cannot begin to tell you how much the simple act of reading impacts a child's life.
Next, there will be a summer school offered for students that need assistance with math and reading. Letters have been sent home to students from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. High School students will have the opportunity to complete MTDA courses over the summer for FREE! Now is a great time to learn a second language, take courses that do not fit in your typical schedule, or take classes that are not currently available at the high school. It is NOT just a time for students who have failed to repeat courses, though it can be that for some; it is an opportunity to better yourself.
There will be breakfast and lunches provided to community members aged 0-18 in Arlee. Breakfast will be available from 8:30 am until 10:00 am and lunch will be from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm.
Be on the lookout for sporting camps, open gyms, ect. on the school website.
We wave goodbye to our seniors and will welcome a new freshman class in the fall. School starts on August 23rd, 2021. The school day will be from 7:50 until 3:55. However, we will NOT have any Fridays on next year's schedule. Wednesdays will be early dismissal for students at 2:00.
As always, Val, Jamie and I are here for any questions or concerns. Please call us at 726-3216 (ext. 2404 for Jamie, ext. 2301 Val or ext. 2300 Mr. Beckham). We are here to help!
Stay healthy and safe!
Mr. Beckham
More High School News
The AHS Prom was held May 1, and a good time was reported by most all. This year, due to Covid-19, things worked a little differently than in previous years. The Grand March was held outside the high school with parents/friends looking on and pairs were announced by Mr. Quinn Huisman. Mr. Huisman also provided the music and his expertise in the DJ department. Students from other schools in the area were not allowed to attend, so the Arlee HS kids had the dance floor to themselves! There was a whole lot of dancing that went on!
Seniors Halle Adams and Colt Crawford (pictured above) were crowned the 2021 Prom King and Queen.
At press time, the State tournaments are going on for High School Track and Field and Softball. Congratulations to our softball girls, Xaria Jacobson, Jerny Crawford and Rheid Crawford, on placing SECOND at the Divisional tourney with their team. Our softball players co-op with Mission and Charlo. Their state tournament is being held in Florence. The coach is Mr. Shane Reum.
More congratulations to our track team and coaches on having eight athletes qualifying for State!! This is the most that have qualified for quite a few years now. The State meet is being held in Laurel and participating are Halle Adams, Izzy Pape, Colt Crawford, Sage Nicolai, Raven Parson, Princess Bolen, Addy Jacobson and Harli Kinney. Head Coach is Ryan Landolfi assisted by Susan Carney-Lammerding, Quinn Huisman and Jordan Quinn.
Driver Education
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:
Getting a driver license is a huge passage for our teens. Reasons that parents/ guardians and teens have for getting their license at 14 ½ with Driver Ed are varied. For some teens they want freedom and think that the open road will lead them there. In some ways it most certainly will. For parents we may be overwhelmed with driving them to all the school functions and trying to keep up on their child’s social calendar. Whatever the reasons as parents/guardians and whether you are a first time parent/guardian of a new driver or a veteran parent/guardian of teen drivers, it is a commitment to teach our teens the rules of the road and the safety issues that come with sharing the road with others.
To help with these safety concerns and rules that govern our highways I can help. I will be giving your novice driver experience by first teaching them lessons in the classroom and then concurrently teaching them the skills for behind the wheel. If you are wanting to take Traffic Education we are offering a class starting in August of 2021. The fee is $225.
To ensure that you get up-to-date information about this class, please fill in this google form:
I have listed my number on this form if you have any questions that you’d like to visit about.
Safe Driving Everyone
Susan Carney Lammerding
Arlee Traffic Education Instructor
Your Arlee EAGLES environmental science club won the 2020-2021 Montana SMART SCHOOLS award! The Montana Smart Schools is a statewide all-class environmental science competition where AA schools to C schools all submit research projects that they completed during the school year into various competitive categories. This year there was also an art competition for the SMART SCHOOLS logo design which the EAGLES also won alongside another school, so in total the EAGLES environmental science club won $2500 this year that they can put towards future and continued projects. This is their 4th title in the past 5 years. Most of the juniors are in that environmental science class, so please tell them great job when you see them in the community!
Sports Physicals Offered
St. Luke Community Clinics in Ronan, St. Ignatius and Polson are planning on donating to the schools' athletic associations $25 for each sports physical completed during a well child check from May through the end of August. Call the clinic and ask for a well child check (comprehensive physical) which will include completion of the sports physical form at the parents’ request. A well child check is fully covered by all insurances, is more comprehensive, and includes immunizations and screening for depression. Patients and parents have more time to discuss health concerns and primary care providers have more opportunities to intervene if a problem exists. St. Luke will work with and provide resources for any student athlete who does not have insurance.
Phone numbers for the Ronan Clinic are 676-3600 and for St. Ignatius 745-2781 if you'd like to schedule an appointment.
Get Internet-Connected
The FCC recently announced a new program to help households connect to the internet during the pandemic, with monthly discounts for internet services for those who qualify for assistance.
Blackfoot Communications is participating in the FCC’s Emergency Broadband Benefit program, and I wanted to ensure you, your students and parents know how they can participate:
Read our news release to learn more about the program: blackfootcommunications.com/EBB
Visit the FCC website, GetEmergencyBroadband.org, to review the qualifying requirements
Select Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative, Inc. as the service provider near you
If you have any questions about this FCC program, please contact Blackfoot Communications at 541-5000.