*Scholarship Opportunity*
Design a Sticker, Win a Scholarship
Design our next sticker, and have your design inspire Montana high school students to find their path after high school!
The top two designers will each receive a $1,500 scholarship
The third and fourth-place designers will each receive a $1,000 scholarship.
The fifth and sixth-place designers will each receive a $500 scholarship.
The art program of the respective winning students will each receive $250 to purchase art supplies or equipment for their school or community art program!
This contest is open to all Montana high school students, grades 9 - 12, planning on attending an accredited institution after high school.

🎉 Congratulations to our Arlee High School National Honor Society Students! 🎉
We are thrilled to announce the newest members of our National Honor Society! These outstanding students have been selected based on their exemplary leadership, scholarship, service, and character.
A huge thank you to all the students who were nominated, and congratulations to those who were voted in by their peers and faculty. You truly embody the values of the National Honor Society!
We are so proud of your hard work and dedication!
Keep shining! ✨
#ArleeHigh #NHS #FutureLeaders #PrideAndExcellence
#Character #Resilience #WarriorPride

🚨 Attention Close-Up Trip! 🚨
We will have a Pre-Trip Meeting on Tuesday, March 18th, at 4:00 p.m. in Mr. Huisman's room.
Here’s what you need to know:
Medical Questionnaire Forms have been handed out to students. These are required for the Close-Up trip, so make sure to submit them to Mr. Huisman.
Health Insurance Cards and Identification Cards are required before we leave for DC. Bring these to school so Mr. Huisman can make copies.
Don’t forget to be there and bring everything you need!
Let’s get ready for an amazing trip! 🌟
#CloseUp #DCTrip #PreTripMeeting

🎉 Congratulations to our Students of the Month for February at Arlee Junior High! 🎉
These outstanding students were voted and nominated by their teachers for their hard work, dedication, and positive impact in the classroom.
We’re so proud of all of them!
Keep up the great work! 👏
#StudentsOfTheMonth #ArleeJH #ProudCommunity #StudentSuccess #FebruaryAchievements

🎉 Congratulations to our Students of the Month for February at Arlee High School! 🎉
These outstanding students were voted and nominated by their teachers for their hard work, dedication, and positive impact in the classroom.
We’re so proud of all of them! Keep up the great work! 👏
#StudentsOfTheMonth #ArleeJHHS #ProudCommunity #StudentSuccess #ArleeWarriors #ArleeScarlets #FebruaryAchievements

We have handed out Medical Questionnaire forms to students that are required by close up. Please get those submitted and turned into Mr. Huisman.
We will need to get a photo copy of Health Insurance Cards and Identification Cards before we leave for DC. Please bring those to school so Mr. Huisman can make copies.

*New Scholarship*
Black Mountain Software Scholarship: Black Mountain Software is offering scholarships to Montana students. All interested 2025 graduating Montana high school seniors who will be attending an accredited institution of higher education, regardless of their field of study, are eligible. These accredited institutions include trade schools, technical schools, colleges or universities.
Two Scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $1,000.00 each. Scholarship payment will be made directly to the school that the applicant will be attending.

New Scholarship*
Flathead Lakers Scholarship: The Flathead Lakers Scholarship Program is dedicated to fostering the educational pursuits of Lake County's graduating seniors with a passion for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) fields.
As an organization deeply committed to preserving the Flathead Watershed, we recognize the importance of investing in the next generation of environmental stewards and community leaders.
Through our $1,000 scholarship, we aim to not only support students in their academic endeavors but also to inspire a sense of responsibility toward our natural surroundings.
By engaging with young minds and encouraging their interest in STEM, we strive to cultivate a brighter future for our community and the environment it thrives upon.
Eligibility requirements
Accepted to a Montana school - university or community college
Open to graduating Lake County high school seniors: Polson, Ronan and Two Eagle River School, Arlee, St. Ignatius, Charlo, & Mission Valley Christian.
Priority given to students who wish to pursue STEM majors
Must obtain a cumulative high school GPA of at least 3.00
Must be seeking a first certificate, or 2-year, or 4-year degree
Must be enrolled a minimum of full-time (12+ credits)
Must enroll the first fall semester immediately following high school graduation
Volunteer at one Flathead Lakers event the first summer following High School graduation (can complete after accepting scholarship)
The deadline for 2025 is May 16th

Good Morning,
Here are the scholarships ending in March! Montana Food Distributors Association. Ends March 14th. Hard Copies with Mr. Cordier
Montana Clerk & Recorder Scholarship- Ends March 14th. Hard Copies with Mr. Cordier
Montana University System Honors Scholarship. Ends March 15th
Montana Stem/ Healthcare Scholarship Program. Ends March 15th
Truman D. Picard Scholarship- For Native American/Alaskan Resource Students. Ends March 21st. Hard Copies with Mr. Cordier. https://www.itcnet.org/about_us/scholarships.html
Blackfoot Communications Scholarship Ends March 25th
The American Indian College Fund Scholarship Portal Opens February 1st! https://collegefund.org/students/scholarships/hs-students/

MAC Softball & Baseball Meeting
TODAY @ Mission High School Commons
Softball meeting 6:00
Baseball meeting 6:15

Updated Divisional Bracket

Divisional Bracket

Upcoming dates for MAC Softball:
March 2nd-Last open gym 12-2
March 3rd-Parent/Player meeting @6
March 9th-Field clean up day @12
March 10th-First practice @4:30

Let's rock the Hamilton gym
8:15 Tonight

Hello Parents, Guardians, and Students of this year's Washington DC Close Up Trip.
We will have our pre-trip meeting on Tuesday, March 18th, at 4:00 p.m. in Mr. Huisman's room.
Everything you need to know will be discussed at this meeting.
Thank you and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions

Attention parents and guardians: Please note that school will be in session on March 17th to make up for the Snow Day we had in February. Thanks.

Western B @ Hamilton
Arlee Warriors Basketball versus Troy
Thursday, 8:15pm

Attention high school baseball and softball players and parents. The parent/athlete meeting for baseball and softball will be Monday, March 3rd, in Mission at the High School Commons, at 6:00 PM.

*New Scholarship*
The Montana Association of Conservation District's 2025 Natural Resources Scholarship supports the education of students preparing for a career addressing Montana's natural resource issues.
Two $1,000 Scholarships are available for Montana students—high school seniors and current college students are eligible to apply!
Key Details:
Application period: February 18 - April 18, 2025
Eligibility requirements:
Must be a US citizen with Montana residency or attending an educational institution within the state of Montana
Minimum grade point average of 3.0
Enrolled in or planning to pursue a course of study related to Montana’s natural resources.
Appropriate courses of study include agriculture, agribusiness, animal science, range science, forestry, environmental science, land resource science, plant science, etc.
How to apply: apply directly here. https://form.jotform.com/250436392129154