Parents/Guardians Please make sure to review your child's progress reports this week since Quarter 1 ends on Wednesday, October 23. We will be having our "Go-Day" for all students who have grades lower than a "C". It is important you communicate and review Infinite Campus with your child
5 months ago, Jonkar Arceniega
Just a friendly reminder to our Cross Country fans. There will be no dogs allowed at the meet in Thompson Falls this week per request of the golf course management. Thank you for your understanding.
5 months ago, Jacob Bosley
Updated Football Schedule: Next weeks game on Friday, October 18th at home versus Superior will be at 3:00 PM. The following weeks game on Friday, October 25th at home versus Plains will be played at 1:00 PM.
5 months ago, Jacob Bosley
Game Time Change: Tuesday, October 15th the JV volleyball game against Darby has been canceled. The varsity game will be at 5:30 with Senior Night activities preceding the start of the game. Let's show up and support our Scarlets!
5 months ago, Jacob Bosley
Homecoming Tailgate $12 per plate, starts at 3:00, game at 4:00.
5 months ago, Jacob Bosley
Homecoming Tailgate
Arlee Homecoming 2024: High School Volleyball Thursday 10/3 vs. Anaconda 4:30/6:00 Saturday 10/5 vs. Deer Lodge 1:00/2:30 High School Football Friday 10/4 vs. Charlo 4:00 (Tailgate starting at 3:00, bring an appetite)
5 months ago, Jacob Bosley
JH Football to Plains on Tuesday, 10/1, has been canceled due to a shortage of officials.
5 months ago, Jacob Bosley
We are in need of 4 or 5 community volunteers to stand at various points along the cross country course for tomorrows run. If you are available to help please contact Mr. Bosley at the high school.
5 months ago, Jacob Bosley
Homecoming Week Schedule of Events: Monday 9/30 JV Football @ Superior 4:30 PM, Tuesday 10/1 CC Meet Home 12:30 PM, JHFB @ Plains 4:30 PM, Thursday 10/3 Volleyball Home vs. Anaconda 4:30/6:00 PM, Friday 10/4 Football Home vs. Charlo 4:00 (Tailgate starts @ 3:00, pulled pork sandwiches, smoked mac 'n cheese), JHVB League Tournament Friday/Saturday @ St. Regis 9:00 AM start, Saturday 10/5 Volleyball Home vs. Deer Lodge
5 months ago, Jacob Bosley
HS Volleyball game times this Friday 9/27 have been adjusted. New game times are 1:00 for JV with Varsity following immediately after.
5 months ago, Jacob Bosley
Today's JV Football game against Seeley has been canceled due to a lack of players on Seeley's roster.
5 months ago, Jacob Bosley
Picture Day tomorrow, September 18th!
6 months ago, Cory Beckham
Picture Day 9/18
There was confusion regarding todays high school volleyball game. For clarification it is at Darby, times are 5:30 and 7:00.
6 months ago, Jacob Bosley
Our JV football game originally scheduled for 4:30 today has been rescheduled to September 30th due to the smoky conditions we're currently experiencing.
6 months ago, Jacob Bosley
Hello Everyone, due to damage done to the lighting system on our football field by this summers wind storms we will be unable to play home games after dark. Home game times that have been changed as of now are as follows: Friday 9/13 vs. St. Regis 4:00 PM and Friday 10/4 vs. Charlo 4:00 PM. We will keep you updated in regards to our other two home games as scheduling changes are made.
6 months ago, Jacob Bosley
Activity fees, handbooks, and forms need to paid for student athletes before this weekend's competitions.
6 months ago, Jacob Bosley
Student athletes, please remember to pay your activity fees before the end of the week. Activity fees are $30 per student. For your convenience, there is a spot on Infinite Campus to pay those fees.
6 months ago, Jacob Bosley
There is Open House for ALL grades from 3:30 - 4:30 today! Please come visit your teachers.
7 months ago, Cory Beckham
Open House for Arlee will be Tuesday, August 20th from 3:30-4:30. Come out and meet your teachers!
7 months ago, Cory Beckham
Open House
The MHSA pre participation physical form has been updated. Please make sure your child's doctor fills out the new updated version when getting your children physicals. Here is the link to the MHSA web page where you can download the document:
7 months ago, Jacob Bosley