The Arlee school board will be meeting Monday night at 6:30 to discuss the choosing of an architectural firm for two possible building projects. The district is looking to build a performing arts building to house our art and music programs. The district is also looking at building a new building for our grades 3-6. The board would like to hear from the community regarding both future building projects. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas on improving our campus for your students.

We would like to welcome all girls in grades 9-12 interested in playing basketball for the Arlee Scarlets next year to come for a meet and greet with the new coaching staff on Monday, July 12th at 6:00pm in the new gym. Parents are welcome and there will be a practice afterwards for the girls.

Arlee Warrior Football Camp will be held Tuesday June 22nd to Thursday June 24th. Camp will be from 6pm to 8pm each evening. A t-shirt will be provided. Cost is $20 per athlete. The camp is for students in grades 6-12. Come join us for a fun time while learning and improving your skills.

8th Graders:
All school items must be returned & checked in, all fees paid & lockers cleaned before you are allowed to walk.
8th graders promotion rehearsal @ 10:00 am - released from school at noon w/parent/guardian permission.
Parents/guardians & students need to be at the football field at 4 pm to decorate for promotion.
Be here at 6:40 pm, 8th grade Promotion at 7:00 pm on the Football Field.

Arlee High School graduation ceremonies will be live broadcast on the NFHS network.

Final score...Florence 12 - 5 MAC...see you tomorrow at 9am.

Still down. 8 - 2 Bottom of the 5th.

Update: MAC is down 3 - 1 in the top of the 2nd.

MAC wins!!! We play again at 5:00.

Mac softball update... we are up 5 - 6 in the bottom of the 7.

St. Luke Community Clinics in Ronan, St. Ignatius and Polson are planning on donating to the schools' athletic associations $25 for each sports physical completed during a well child check from May through the end of August. Call the clinic and ask for a well child check (comprehensive physical) which will include completion of the sports physical form at the parents’ request. A well child check is fully covered by all insurances, is more comprehensive, and includes immunizations and screening for depression. Patients and parents have more time to discuss health concerns and primary care providers have more opportunities to intervene if a problem exists. St. Luke will work with and provide resources for any student athlete who does not have insurance.
Phone numbers for the Ronan Clinic are 676-3600 and for St. Ignatius 745-2781 if you'd like to schedule an appointment.

The MAC softball team will be playing on Thursday at 12:00 pm vs. Huntley Project at Florence. Tickets will be available at the gate.

Registration example video online in the news section.

8th grade Promotion parent meeting on Thursday, May 20 at 6:00pm in Mr. Hill’s room. Discussion on set up, clean-up, decorations and more. See you there.

Arlee JH was notified of a confirmed positive case of COVID-19 last night. All students involved have been notified.

AHS is in the process of digitizing all the yearbooks that we have a copy of for the enjoyment of anyone who would like to go online to look at them. We are missing copies of the following years:
1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1966, 1973, 1976, 1979, 1981, 2014, 2015 and 2016.
If anyone has a copy of one or any of these year's yearbooks, we would love to borrow them for copying with the confirmation that they would be taken care of and returned to you in good condition. Please contact Val at 726-3216, ext. 2301 or Deanne at 726-3216, ext. 2305. Thank you.

School Informational Update: We wanted to update the community to let you all know that we did have 4 high school students that were struck by a vehicle as they were crossing HWY 93 this morning. All students have been transported to medical facilities in Missoula with non-life threatening injuries. We will update this information on the status of the students as we receive it. We would appreciate your thoughts and prayers for the students and their families as they work to recover from this incident. As a reminder to all that come through our beautiful community, please slow down and pay attention at the cross walks.

2020-21 Yearbooks are now on sale for $40 each. Anticipated delivery is June 1st. Please contact Val to purchase (406)726-3216 x2301

Arlee Schools Spring Class Photos!
Tuesday, April 13th
Studio Contact Information
Arlee Schools 2021 Class Photos
pre ordering is now live!
Click the link to order now: pipercrowe.com
Event Code: 7L39P
Must order by: 04/18/2021

The Arlee Scarlets and Warriors will both be involved in play-in games tomorrow night to try and earn a spot in the divisional tournament. The Scarlets will play at Deer Lodge at 6:00 pm Tuesday, Feb. 23d. Deer Lodge will allow 6 visitors per athlete, manager and coach. The Warriors will play at 6:30pm in Anaconda Tuesday, Feb. 23rd. Anaconda will allow 6 visitors per athlete, manager and coach. Let's get out there and support our student athletes.