We are moving the Friday football game up to a 6:00pm start. Please pass the word. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Mike Perry
We have been notified of a positive case of COVID-19 in the K-2 building. All parents/guardians of students and all staff who were close contacts have been notified. If you have not been notified, your student was not a close contact.
over 4 years ago, Mike Perry
over 4 years ago, Michelle Wieler
To the Community of Arlee, I am pleased to announce the start of a new community education campaign. Schools Cannot Do It Alone is designed to give everyone a better understanding of the importance of public education to the health and well being of the entire community. The video series is informative, entertaining, and inspiring. I know you will enjoy it. There can be no doubt that we are living through a difficult time. But the need to prepare all children to thrive and prosper has never been more important. As the title of our new campaign suggests, we - the teachers, administrators, support staff, and Board - cannot succeed without your understanding, trust, and support. Attached below is the link to the first video in the series. This twelve-minute clip provides a review of the challenges we face, old and new. There are no ads. No one is collecting data of any kind. In the months to come, you will find that the overall message is that we all have a vested interest in increasing student success whether or not we have children in school. Here is the direct link: https://player.vimeo.com/video/445589485 Enjoy and have a great day. Mike Perry, Ed.D., Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Michelle Wieler
Madison Doner from NBC Montana came out to Arlee to interview Ken Hill about bus safety. She had witnessed cars blowing by our buses the day before and wanted to do a story. Here's a link to a teaser and the full story will be on 9/24/2020 at 10pm! https://twitter.com/MadisonNBCMT/status/1307068086567284743
over 4 years ago, Michelle Wieler
Mission Valley Flag Football is starting up this fall! See the flyer attached for more information about dates and registration.
over 4 years ago, Michelle Wieler
Registration for 3-6 grades is open.
A couple of activity updates. The JH football game today in Thompson Falls has been cancelled due to poor air quality. The JH/HS cross country meet scheduled for tomorrow in Mission has also been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Michelle Wieler